Welcome to Nolan our newest business consultant!
Hi there, folks!
I’m a Business Consultant with a mechanical engineering background. Having led a team of consultants in market research in East Africa to improve livelihood prospects for both refugees and local communities, and refining entry strategies for general consumer goods in the Japanese market, I am ready to take on this new challenge.
Firm in my belief that the nuclear sector is essential to a proper ecological transition, I will do my very best to propose valuable strategic solutions to the sector under Axel’s leadership.
I like to think of myself as a son of globalization. Born and raised on the African continent, which I adore, it has made me aware of the energy needs and challenges that await us all. I hope to make my small contribution to this monumental task.
If I were to leave you with one of my traits, it would be my curiosity! I am interested in everything and anything. Reading one Wikipedia page after another is a classic pastime for me (we all do things we’re not completely proud off don’t we?)
Anyway, I’d like to extend my thanks to Axel for his trust in my abilities as business consultant and hope to reward it as soon as possible!!